Saturday, March 20, 2010

Getting Black Kids Back In School

Is there an easy answer to getting our Black kids back in school?  Who is responsible? Is it the parents, the government, the community or a combination?  I think it a combination and with that said, the other question that comes to mind is - why are we not seeing more Black kids graduating from high school and going on to universities and colleges?

Are we failing our children and what can we do about it?  What are parents doing about it?  What is the community doing about it?  Is it that we are so focus on our personal advancement that we have little or not time to give our kids that kind of attention that they require, especially in those early years?

Are we allowing the thugs and gangs to raise them instead and if so, why are we surprised when we see so much of them turning to that kind of lifestyle, taking up the gun, doing drugs, lacking the social skills to engage each other and to resolve basic interpersonal conflicts that may arise from time time amongst them?

Lets take action and safe our Black kids.  They need us and we need them.  Let us be mentors.  Let us be guardians.  Let us be friends.  Each of us can play a role and have been playing a role.  Was your role that of a bystander who watches to see what happens or an active community member who provide support and guidance when needed?

For those of us who are actively participating, kudos to you.  Will the rest of us take on a supportive role and save our Black kids from disaster?

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